Beaconsfield School is very proud of the contribution that the Parent Group makes to the over all running and success of our school. The Parent Group is a very active group that fundraises for the benefit of our pupils.

It is a full school Parent Group, any help, ideas etc… is always welcome. We always appreciate parent help at events and parental support attending School events helps provide additional funds to support our childrens learning.

The PTA has a chairperson, treasurer and secretary with our parent community part of the organisation. Meetings are generally held once a term, with the AGM usually held in March. Parent Group meeting dates and times and fundraising events will be published in the school newsletter and on the events calendar.

Our Parent Teacher Association members are: Everyone

Please call Lisa in our School office on 03 686 4819 if you would like to express your interest in our PTA.

Contact us for enrolments & further information